Based on the 4 phases of sleep, and brain vibrations. Discover how "Sound Worlds" can transport you to your deepest feelings.

Javeriana School of Arts

It all started with an intriguing question: How can the sound we hear influence the space we inhabit?

Since sound is the protagonist, it was necessary to find a way for the image not to overshadow it. Being the first option to take into account the reactivity, so that the image interacts or reacts directly with the sound, and go hand in hand to create a harmonious sensation and a captivating audiovisual language.


In the second moment, when we already knew what we wanted to try, a second question began to resonate in our minds: What is it going to sound and why? Leaving us with a question that took the project to many places, such as vibrations to help calm mental situations, spaces to de-stress after a day's work, sounds of nature like the creaking of logs, or even in the most lucid moments we began to say that the image is waves and that these waves are divided into frequencies, so these numbers can play to create scenarios. And the final idea was going that way, but it lacked a way to be traveled, it lacked substance or what I would call, a sense by which to be told.


How do we turn sound into image, and image into sound? That was the initial question, but not the one we should start with.

When we realized that the question was poorly phrased, and that there was no clear path beyond using this visual language to tell stories through space to help people feel better in their day-to-day lives.

I started to use a preliminary idea from my degree project "Dwelling between cushions".which were the vibrations of our brain, these vibrations were divided into 4 stages and were mainly present in the phases of our sleep which are the REM phase, Deep and Light. Where each of these phases are represented by frequencies, which being data one can use to create alterations of the image, through audio reactivity, a very common technique in interactive pieces, with which I decided to undertake this project, so that the sound was the one that generates the image.


The rebranded company experienced increased customer engagement, a boost in sales, and a stronger brand presence in the market.

The comprehensive initiative, extending beyond visual changes, resonated authentically with the audience, resulting in heightened engagement metrics and a tangible boost in sales. The company now stands on a more robust foundation, embodying a stronger and more compelling brand presence, setting the stage for continued success in the competitive market.

Bringing back visitors to the world of craft beer! Such an exciting journey!

Bringing back visitors to the world of craft beer! Such an exciting journey!

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